Sunday 18 April 2010


In what way does your media project use, develop or challenge forms and conventions for real media products?

When choosing the idea for our thriller, as a group we felt it was important that the opening was mysterious and didn’t let the audience know much about what was going to happen or what has happened. To ensure that this is what we achieved we added flashbacks that were very short clips and were from all different camera shots and angles, the clips showed different parts of the rape of a girl at a party, by making the clips short it hopefully will make the audience want to see more of what is happening and therefore want to keep watching. By the opening having a sense of mystery I believe it will be easier for the audience to label it as a thriller and not get confused with different genres. By using various different camera shots it should hopefully keep the audience watching as they do not know what is coming next.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

As our thriller opening only featured a girl and a boy it’s hard to a represent a particular social class, especially as you do not learn much about either of the characters for dramatic effect and suspense. By using a young woman as the victim in the opening it sticks to typical thriller storyline. Young women are represented as being vulnerable in the opening of our thriller.

What kind of media institute might distribute your media product and why?

If distributing my thriller film to a company, I would distribute it to Warp X. Warp X is only a small British distribution company that works with small film companies to get films made. As the films that Warp X makes are films from small directors and basically unknown actors I believe that this company fits with the type of thing we are doing.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

I believe if the opening to our thriller was made in to a full film it would be given a 15 certificate as the opening is rather graphic. Although it would be given this certificate I feel that the age group who would be most interested in the film would be those of there late teens to mid twenties as the actors are portraying characters of that age group. If the audience can relate to characters then they will be interested in watching the film as they feel a connection.

How did you attract/address your audience?

Ways in which I attracted the audience was mainly through suspense, by making the sequence mysterious it therefore leaves the audience asking questions and wanting to watch more of the thriller. By the first clip being of a person, the audience can then connect with her. We used a skilled actress to make the acting look as real as possible to engage the audience so they want to know more about this character.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

As I did not take media for GCSE using the cameras was new to me, after picking up the basics pretty easily then learning pans, zooms colour contrasts etc came quickly. Learning how to use Adobe Premier was more difficult. As I have little experience with the software I was not the main editor. Although I have sat and learned how to work it all I haven’t yet had chance to operate the programme on my own. This aside I still know how to work the programme.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I have learnt a lot in the time from the preliminary task up until now. Learning how to work adobe premier has been the most useful thing I have learnt. Knowing how to work editing software means that I can practice and get better so that my work can continue to look more and more professional. Also choosing locations for filming is a useful skill I have learnt, if the location doesn’t have relevant to what you are trying to capture when portraying the character then the illusion is broken. Working with Robert in the editing process has given us both chance to learn how to make things look real and choosing sound that fits in with the clips on the screen. I think by Robert knowing how to work software and me working with him has been useful for me as I have improved a lot on understanding editing.

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